The RCIED Threat Profile

A solution to help ECM equipment designers, manufacturers and waveform developers deal with evolving global RCIED threats … introducing The RCIED Threat Profile from EWS.
Specifically designed for equipment manufacturers and waveform developers, the RCIED Threat Profile (RCIED TP) will keep you appraised of the latest activity and developments in RCIED events around the world, giving you vital knowledge for equipment sales and future product development.
EWS is recognised by governments, defence and security departments around the world as a key supplier of open source threat intelligence data, threat analysis and threat reporting. Our Open Source Threat Database (OSTD) is routinely relied upon to provide credible and up to date intelligence on emerging trends in RC-IED threats and C-IED.
We know that not everyone requires the full capability of the OSTD, so we have developed the RCIED Threat Profile to allow our customers to access the key information they need to develop equipment and waveforms to meet evolving threats as they are identified, saving time, effort and most importantly, money.
At EWS, we know knowledge is power
Access to the RCIED TP provides an up to date and relevant understanding of the threats that are being encountered around the world. The RCIED TP provides data at the planning stage of ECM development projects. Waveform development can be based on this information.
This data is current and constantly updated as relevant events are collected, thus increasing effectiveness and efficiency of decision making and decreasing the time taken to deliver new equipment and waveform options to market. As a consequence of this enhanced RCIED awareness and insight into relevant RCIED events and technologies, your credibility with your own customers will be greatly enhanced.
Your RCIED Threat Profile – your way
Each RCIED TP is individual to your requirements. You can request specific Threat Profiles by Timeframe, Region, Country, Theatre or defined geographical area.
The RCIED TP will define the threat by:
- Prevalence
- Technology
- Availability of components
- Frequency bands
- Cost
- Perpetrator
Additionally, the RCIED TP you purchase will be updated with relevant occurring events as they happen over the following 12 months FREE of charge.
Want to know more?
If you’d like to learn more about the RCIED Threat Profile from EWS and how it can support your equipment development projects, then please contact Troy Phillips.