10,000 recorded UxV entries on Oversite

The OverSite database recorded its 10,000 entry in August 2024
Managing Director of EWS, Phil Hunt said: “This is a huge milestone for OverSite, which was only launched a year ago to catalogue uncrewed autonomous vehicle (UAV/UxV) events across the globe.”
About the 10,000 UAV event
The 10,000 event involved a quadcopter UAV used in a failed attempt to smuggle contraband into Tapah Prison, located in Perak State, Malaysia.
The UAV was intercepted with anti-drone systems and from the image released by Perak Police, EWS analysts were able to identify the drone used as a Xiaomi FIMI X8 SE. Further details and specifications on the X8 SE have been entered into the Oversite UxV Technical tab, making it one of 1,700 UAVs already entered with detailed specifications, including control frequency, dimensions, operating conditions, flight time, altitude and payload.
A statement from the Bukit Aman Narcotic Crime Investigation Department (NCID) confirmed that there have been seven identified attempts to smuggle various drugs into Malaysian prisons using drones in 2024. As a result of this, the Malaysian Prisons Department has formed a collaboration with the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) to mitigate the increasing risk of drones being used to smuggle contraband into prisons.
For more information about this event, please CLICK HERE.
Phil finished: “The OverSite database is growing rapidly, and continually proving its value as an unclassified resource for military, law enforcement and critical national infrastructures sites dealing with the threats posed by unmanned aerial vehicles.
“By combining UxV events with technical reporting, OverSite is delivering unmatched insights and intelligence on this rapidly developing threat, regardless of the method of delivery.”
About OverSite
OverSite is an online, secure database service for operators which catalogues uncrewed autonomous vehicle (UAV / UxV) events across the globe. It provides cutting-edge Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) that is pivotal for ongoing research and development. Access to detailed technical data from an extensive database of thousands of global events, enables security agencies and manufacturers alike to identify emerging threats and design more effective countermeasures.
The UxV database is dynamic with events being added daily and existing events updated as more details become available. OverSite covers UxV incident and technical data with the same granularity as the successful and globally recognised OSTD.
OverSite is offered as a stand-alone intelligence resource, or as an addition to the OSTD. Personalised no-obligation demonstrations of the new database can be arranged either by calling +44 (0) 1636 550490 or by completing this online form.