EWS announced as partner to deliver £41m project to provide digital protection to bomb disposal troops

Strategic consultancy EWS Ltd. has been announced as a top table partner and operational advisor on Team Endure to deliver a £41m project to provide digital protection to bomb disposal troops.
Under Team Endure, a team of small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) being led by Leonardo, have been tasked to equip British Army personnel with digital protection against remotely triggered bombs.
The technology will be deployed when Army specialists respond to civil emergencies around the UK in support of the police and civil authorities. The new equipment will scan the airwaves for remote control signals that are attempting to detonate an explosive device and will jam the transmissions using advanced digital techniques.
First deliveries of the new equipment will take place from Autumn 2024. It will be deployed in 2025 by the British Army’s 11 EOD & Search Regiment of the Royal Logistics Corps.
EWS is acting as the operational advisor and specialist training advisor within Team Endure alongside innovative UK SMEs: CommsAudit, Elma Electronic, Kirintec, Waymont Consulting, Marshall Land Systems and Team Leader, Leonardo.
Jon Gower, CEO at EWS Ltd. said:
“This key project will ensure the successful application of the MOD’s Land Cyber and Electromagnetic Activity (CEMA), which has been developed to specifically meet the requirements for Electronic Counter Measure (ECM) applications.
“Having been an inaugural partner in finding the key skills to build a team capable of winning the bid for the contract, EWS is now very excited to be working with everyone within Team Endure to deliver and maintain a high impact, operationally effective and sustainable capability in support of UK security operations.”
EWS Ltd. employs a collaborative approach which brings together relevant domain knowledge experts from across its global networks and multiple sectors to deliver operationally resilient solutions to governments, defence, national and domestic security, justice and corporate entities.
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Long Bennington, Lincolnshire, United Kingdom, 25.07.22