EWS launches new Event Security Planning & Render Safe Procedure Course (ESPRC)

Planning for major events where the potential for a terrorist attack exists poses challenges for even the most experienced security professionals. When the potential for the use of improvised explosive devices is added, then the task is even more daunting.
The aim of the EWS Event Security Planning & Render Safe Procedure Course (ESPRC) is to provide peer to peer mentoring to those who are engaged in the planning and specialist response for events.
By using recognized professionals with relevant experience and based on a unique knowledge of the global threat our aim is to develop professional skills and operational decision making, and above all else, practice individual, team and collective responses in real-world, relevant scenarios.
Our aim is to bring together the exact team to drive and challenge your training requirement. Real world experience and a hands-on approach underpins what we do. With that in mind, our three lead instructors for the ESPRC bring a unique blend of experience garnered over many decades of operational duty and subsequent global exposure in the private sector.
Our ethos is to bring together a team that cover all the planning, training and RSP considerations based on hard lessons learned in the USA, UK and in operational theaters.
Call us on +44 1636 550490 to discuss your individual requirements, or CLICK HERE to download a copy of the ESRPC brochure.