EWS raises monies for Blesma

The staff at EWS were delighted to raise a massive £292.65 at their Cake Sale in aid of Blesma, The Limbless Veterans during Armed Forces Week.
Everyone on the team challenged their inner Mary Berry and created some incredible homemade treats for our guests to purchase and enjoy. Our very own Reservist Paul Cardall even put on his uniform (much to the delight of everyone!).
Our fantastic neighbours on Long Bennington Business Park came and supported us all in the sunshine, including Greenio Ltd, whose staff definitely enjoyed the cakes! Thanks go to Jennifer Flinn from the Gatehouse Cafe, who donated a stunning passionfruit cake, and Matthew Avery BSc (Hons) from Texa Threat Solutions who brought along a Bomb Suit for people to try on and some explosive toys for everyone to admire! And thank you to everyone else who donated cakes too for the fundraiser. We really appreciate your baking efforts!
EWS handed over the cheque for nearly £300 to Vanessa Lucas of Blesma, who was very grateful for the donated monies.