Greece – IED attack on Ministry of Labour in Athens

An IED attack targeting the Ministry of Labour shook the city of Athens on 3 February 2024. The device, manufactured using 5kg of gelatine dynamite and C4 explosives, was placed inside of a backpack and hung on railings opposite the ministry building.
Authorities were alerted prior the attack when an unidentified individual, claiming to be part of the Revolutionary Class Self-Defence guerrilla group, made a phone call to the Efimerida ton Syntakton newspaper.
At 01:29am the device functioned, causing minor damage to the ministry building and a nearby building site. The police have since arrested four individuals and investigations into their possible involvement continue.
An increasing number of attacks in Athens have been recorded on the OSTD in recent months. For more information, contact EWS.
- Published by Rose
OSTD event ID: 66257
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