Israel – Hezbollah release footage from ISR Hudhud UAVs

On 23 July 2024, the Hezbollah group released the 3rd episode of the ‘What The Hoopoe Came Back With’ video series. The footage includes a compilation of Hudhud-1 ISR UAVs capturing reconnaissance footage of the Ramat David Airbase in northern Israel. The video labelled air defence systems, shelters, equipment as well as the identity of the base commander.
Hezbollah has released two previous episodes of the series on 18 June and 9 July 2024. The captured footage has similarly highlighted sensitive Israeli sites and potential targets including military, civilian and strategic facilities.
- Published by Annabelle
OverSite event ID: 9434
#Hezbollah #Israel #Hoopoe #Hudhud #UAV #Drone #OpenSource #OSINT