Niger – VOIED discovered in Say Department

In an information bulletin covering the period between 27 February and 1 March 2025, the Integrated Operations Coordination Centre (CICO) published a video of activities conducted by the Niger Defence and Security Forces (FDS), including the discovery of a VOIED with a vehicle battery and a pressure plate. The device, found during a patrol in the Say Department on the right bank of the Niger river, was subsequently rendered safe within the Operation Niya Zone.
Conducted by the Niger Armed Forces (FAN) in the Say, Torodi, Gothey, Téra and Bankillaré Departments, Operation Niya aims to secure populations and their property as well as intensive civil-military activities (ACM) to support populations affected by insecurity. In addition to targeting criminals as well as groups linked to Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (IS), other ongoing operations include SUDU LUGDU, a joint operation between the Niger Armed Forces (FAN) and Burkina Faso Armed Forces.
Similar devices have previously been discovered across the border areas between Niger and Burkina Faso.
- Published by Annabelle
OSTD event ID: 73020
For more information on this event, please contact EWS.
#Niger #BurkinaFaso #SayDepartment #OperationNiya #VOIED #OSINT