Paraguay – BME found in connection with a robbery in Alto Parana
In an incident considered one of the largest ‘criminal coups’ in the history of Alto Parana in Paraguay, a tunnel of approximately 150 m was found in connection with a million-dollar robbery on 5 February 2024.
The tunnel, with an opening entrance located at a clothing store in downtown Esteno, led to the Ciudad del Este Money Exchange Workers Association (Asociacion de Trabajadores Cambistas), also known as the ATC.
Inside the tunnel, the Alto Parana Special Operations Group (GEO) and the Special Police Operations Forces (FOPE) recovered BME including a firework receiver and transmitter, 180 m of green detonating cord, gel dynamite, electric matches, and a fuse. According to investigators, the tunnel crosses the international Route PY02, located on the border with Brazil.
Due to the proximate location of the tunnel, the Federal Police of Brazil were also present following the evacuation of the area. Several arrest warrants have since been issued as part of the investigation into the circumstances of the robbery.
The OSTD has recorded seven other events of interest in Paraguay since the beginning of 2024. For further information, contact EWS.
OSTD event ID: 66390
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