Why CEMA? Why now?

CEMA (cyber electromagnetic activities) and JEMSO (joint electromagnetic spectrum operations) are often seen as something going on in the Five Eyes (FVEY) community, supported by massive budgets.
But the reality is, it’s not. Often it’s about making the best of what you have and what you can afford. One thing’s for sure, the need for a ‘CEMA type’ approach applies to everyone that operates in the electromagnetic operational environment (EMOE). If you are conducting EMOE operations, which includes offensive cyber (strategic and tactical), defensive cyber, EW, SIGINT, force protection (especially IEDs and drones), coordination and spectrum management as a minimum, then a coherent CEMA approach is vital to achieve tactical, operational and strategic advantages.
Why CEMA now? Well, the rapid advancements that continue in the commercial communications market will continue to challenge EMOE practitioners. The list is massive, but higher operating frequencies, resilient communications, software programmable devices and the need for uninterrupted data all drive the evolution of the EMOE.
The natural transition of COTS technology to the military/asymmetric opponent in C2, threats and targets is inevitable and the Blue Force TTPs that have currently been good enough to deal with the adversary will be rapidly outmatched.
At EWS we know that a focused CEMA approach and strategy that addresses future technology, targets, adversaries, and delivers a synchronised, coordinated and deconflicted approach is key. Strategy is key when it comes to CEMA, but making the most of what you have is a good start point.
EWS can provide strategic CEMA thought leadership and CEMA capability doctrine development to help achieve superiority over an agile adversary. We are involved throughout the CEMA value chain and can support the application of CEMA effects in the Land, Air and Maritime domains and create a strong force multiplier.
To see how EWS can support your CEMA requirements, contact us today.