The time-saving, open source intelligence tool that you need right now

“The Open Source Threat Database (OSTD) from EWS offers a number of advantages for the C-IED community,” said a NATO Military Customer.
“For us, the biggest advantage at the moment is the fact that all raw data is supplied each day in near real time. The IED incident information is gathered from open sources around the world and clearly presented to us in a user-friendly database, from which we can then research further to obtain detailed information on subjects such as location, time, device, switch and attributable state/non-state actor.
“This readily accessible information provides considerable relief on the already significant workload of our Intelligence Analysts and we estimate that we are saving a day’s work per week per analyst. That huge 20% time saving means our staff are able to support the mission needs more effectively and deal with additional tasks.”
The Intelligence Services Manager at EWS said: “For our C-IED customers, time and knowledge can save lives; that’s why we created the OSTD.
“We understand that obtaining threat data from classified sources is usually a complex and lengthy process. Exploitation takes time and is often not timely enough to meet the challenges of the intelligence customer or technology provider; additionally, protective marking of the data makes it inaccessible to all but a few users.
“At EWS, we know that a great deal of information about IED Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTP) can be gleaned when an informed eye is cast across the information available in open sources. Our Analysts critically monitor IED information available in the public domain, which allows us to see the most commonly used TTPs and devices.”
“The EWS team then inputs the data into the Open Source Threat Database in near real time, in a standardised format offering our customers easily accessible data which allows them to continue to counter the threat presented by the ever-evolving tactics of state actors.”
Online demonstrations and trial logins are available for the OSTD. CLICK HERE to contact EWS in the first instance to arrange yours or to discuss your intelligence needs.