Another successful Boston Bomb School Training week is completed by EWS

Personnel from EWS have just returned from a successful week in Boston, Massachusetts, training their Police Department Bomb Squad, MBTA Transit Police and SWAT teams to better cope with emerging IED trends, improving their tactical skills and experience levels of potential IEDs.
Troy Phillips, Director of Business Development from EWS said: “This level of IED training is a key part of Boston maintaining their position as a cutting-edge team. In addition to experienced classroom-based training, we also create simulated real life IED situations with a multitude of realistic outcomes for operators to experience and learn from.
“For example, using our global IED intelligence and presented by SQEP (Suitably Qualified and Experienced Persons) EWS created real-world situations within an abandoned school and also an unused medical facility, where the operators encountered representative IEDs and a complex operational environment.”
From the attendees’ point of view, they approach each training event and simulation as if it were a real-life situation. Speaking to some of them, they said that by having this attitude, they were able to develop key skills to react to potential situations and be better prepared for what might, but hopefully won’t, happen. Of course, Boston law-enforcement entities are very familiar with the issues they face having encountered global terrorism at the Boston Marathon in 2013.
Troy continued: “Part of what we do is to ensure that explosives operations specialists and the teams they support are brought up to date with the latest IED trends worldwide and are able to conduct realistic mission rehearsal exercises as part of their core skills.
“EWS is uniquely positioned to impart this knowledge as we monitor global IED and RCIED events through our Open Source Threat Database and can ensure the technicians understand and anticipate emerging trends.
“This kind of intelligence-led, operationally focussed training event brings a wide range of law-enforcement entities together, gets them speaking the same language, working together and prepares them for potential major events, making them more proactive and forward-thinking and ready to protect their citizens.”
To discuss IED training opportunities with EWS, call +44 (0)1636 550 490.
- It’s all about the planning!
- It’s still all about the planning
- EOD and SWaT forming up prior to an assault
- Operational units regaining the tactical advantage
- EOD team assessing the issues of access
- If it ain’t raining, it ain’t training
- EOD teams testing and evaluating the capability of COTS RCIEDs