It has long been recognised and acknowledged across industry that the support services provided to Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) and government agencies by EWS can enhance their products by turning equipment solutions into operational capabilities. Our offering is a cradle-to-grave approach and most importantly, is dynamic, flexible and scalable, dependent upon the extent of your requirement.PURPOSE
Here, we set out the support services EWS offers to aid equipment sales, increase your profits by maximising Services based revenues, and ensure that your excellent system and corporate reputations are upheld within the customer community.We also explain how the services, when taken as a whole, address the Lines of Development (LOD) approach taken by key customers, and if the services are taken in isolation, will ensure that systems are operationally fieldable, sustainable and provide the end-user with high levels of confidence and operational availability.
Electronic Countermeasures (ECM), Counter-Unmanned Aerial Systems (C-UAS) and other Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum dependent system manufacturers understand the purpose of the equipment ordered but often don’t understand the operational context in which it will be used. Purchasing equipment without the requisite support inevitably leads to a loss of the critical confidence in the user to turn equipment into a full capability.It is our experience that incorrectly supported equipment:
- damages the reputation of the OEM when systems are perceived to be ineffective;
- results in lifesaving and operationally essential equipment being left on shelves due to lack of user confidence, and;
- ill-prepares leaders, managers, mentors, maintainers and users to plan and execute missions.
EWS as a vender neutral non equipment supplier, has offered its support services to OEMs and Governments since its inception in 2009. During that time, we have worked with most of the ECM equipment OEMs, Government agencies, and law enforcement agencies in the UK, and around the world. Working with the customers on either side of the equipment purchase, we have been able to ensure that a capability is delivered and maintained, enhancing user confidence in the operation of, and protection provided by the equipment.
EWS has an enviable reputation of consistently delivering its products and services on time and to budget. We have an unrivalled team of subject and domain knowledge experts (DKE) aligned to our four main business streams: Consultancy, Intelligence, Training and deployable Field Service Representatives (FSR). Each of these facets is complimentary to OEMs' equipment sales and greatly enhances your offering.Our team has many years of experience in this area and we are currently providing these services to 5-eyes and NATO government agencies, as well as to manufacturers. We have provenance in the deployment of staff into a number of hostile environments to deliver mentoring, repair, installation and support for spectrum dependent systems.
Our Intelligence Services provide industry and military/government agencies with mission critical intelligence that is used to develop operating procedures, influence mission fill (MF) development, plan operations and drive critical engineering and design of next generation systems. Our open-source threat data is unique, and we are emerging as the commercial provider of choice for IED related intelligence products.
Our combined team experience in the Electronic Warfare (EW), and ECM arenas would benefit your team in the early stages of bid preparation or as a pre-authorised and fully costed services support provider.
A sample of our services to support your equipment design, bid and delivery activities is shown below.
- Cyber and Electromagnetic Activities - CEMA
- Market research
- Interpreting your customer needs
- Interpreting EW / ECM requirements from the operational perspective
- Writing CONOPS / CONUSE for your equipment
- Deconflicting technical excellence with operational reality
- Writing and verifying mission fills
- Independent Validation and Verification (V&V) of your equipment against a verified threat list prior to delivery to your customer
- Shaping and writing SOPs

Intelligence services
- RCIED Threat profiles on a global, regional or country basis
- Prioritised threat lists for specific countries
- Global threat and risk analysis
- Regular threat updates ensuring Mission Fills are always up to date
- Threat led Business Development
- Evidence based decision making guidance
- Training Management for your customer
- Training Needs Analysis (TNA)
- Bespoke course design around your equipment
- Equipment training (Operator and Basic Maintainer)
- Support for operational teams
- Command level training
- Operational training using your equipment including bespoke
tactics techniques and procedures (TTP) - Refresher training
- Train the trainer (T3)

Field Support
- Ability to deploy to most countries in the world
- Installation and commissioning of your equipment
- Testing equipment in situ
- Characterisation of vehicle installations
- Providing in country training
- Routine maintenance on your equipment and ancillaries
- Refresher training and mentoring on your equipment
- All training will be to your standards
EWS has a cadre of subject and domain knowledge experts (DKE) across a wide variety of support and intelligence services and we would like to offer you the opportunity to augment your own capabilities. This could be at the initial stage when bidding for a contract or by providing our support services to your existing customers. In short, we would like to become your supplier of choice for all service support needs for all of your EW/ECM/C-UAS equipment lines.We are responsive, agile and adaptable, and can respond quickly to your requirements. Our trainers, mentors and field deployable staff are fully trained and operationally experienced in the EW and ECM focus areas. Our consultants are current, executive level and well-sought after, providing thought leadership and strategic advice on current and future programs and requirements.
There are many contracting mechanisms to acquire our services and we are happy to work with you to meet your requirements.
We also explain how the services, when taken as a whole, address the Lines of Development (LOD) approach taken by key customers, and if the services are taken in isolation, will ensure that systems are operationally fieldable, sustainable and provide the end-user with high levels of confidence and operational availability.
Support services are a critical, intrinsic and often overlooked aspect of bid proposal and equipment sales. As such, they are always the first to be reduced when a potential customer wants to negotiate on price. However, a good services support package that is cognisant of the LODs, turns an equipment into not only an operationally fieldable capability, it also instils user confidence. By providing great customer service and through-life support, this provides longevity to additional sales opportunities. Many companies suffer from reputational damage by not providing adequate through-life support to their equipment and this can have a detrimental long-term impact. A satisfied, supported customer is more likely to return for aftersales and follow on orders.Support services that are credible, operationally sound and accompanied by the enviable market reputation of EWS could be the differentiator for your equipment sales. We would relish the opportunity to aid you in supporting your customers by providing our unique through-life support services.